MOB USER MANUAL8 Y1-03-0283 Rev. Crear activation slide. Route thefront of the activation slide alongthe tether and squeeze the frontand rear sections tightly together.The activation tape will be trappedin place by the action of closing thefront and rear sections together. The assembled activation slide and tape is now ready for assembly onto the MOB.NOTE: Ensure that thetape is trapped in placebetween the two slots on theopposite side of where the tapewill be pulled to activate theMOB. Rewind the antenna (shown insection 6) and re-insert theactivation slide back in-betweenthe two arming retainers. Be sure your beacon is not activated. If it is, deactivate by pressing the “TEST/OFF”key until the LED flashes red twice, then release.NOTE: Failure to remove the antenna winding tool will prevent automaticantenna deployment after the life jacket inflates. Additionally, ensure that theassembly of the activation slide onto the product is such that the activation tapeis not passing over the top of the activation slide tether (activation slide tethershown in image above). This may restrict the release of the activation slide. On completion, the tape should now be connected to the bracket and MOB as shown.Activation Tape.Pull to activate. Tape trappedbetween 2 slotsAntenna Rewind ToolActivationSlide Tether