ADJ Products, LLC - - Inno Pocket Roll Instruction Manual Page 16 ADJ Products, LLC - - Inno Pocket Roll Instruction Manual Page 17Inno Pocket Roll OperationShow Mode: This mode allows either a single unit or several unitslinked together, to run one of 12 shows that you choose. Show modecan run with or without sound active mode.1. Press the MENU button until “SHND” is displayed, and pressENTER.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until you find your desired show,press ENTER, then press and hold the MENU button for at least 3seconds to activate. After you have set your desired show, it canbe changed at any time using the UP or DOWN buttons.Inno Pocket Roll DMX Traits and ValuesChannel Value Function1 0 - 255 PAN2 TILT0 - 9 STOP10 - 120 CLOCKWISE ROLL FAST - SLOW121 - 134 STOP135 - 245 COUNTER CLOCKWIS SLOW - FAST246 - 255 STOP3 STROBE0 - 7 BLACKOUT8 - 15 OPEN16 - 131 STROBING SLOW - FAST132 - 139 OPEN140 - 181 SLOW OPEN - FAST CLOSE182 - 189 OPEN190 - 231 FAST OPEN - SLOW CLOSE232 - 239 OPEN240 - 247 RANDOM STROBE248 - 255 OPEN4 COLOR WHEEL0 - 7 OPEN8 - 14 GOBO 1 YELLOW15 - 21 GOBO 2 RED22 - 28 GOBO 3 GREEN29 - 35 GOBO 4 BLUE36 - 42 GOBO 5 RGB43 - 49 GOBO 6 UV50 - 56 GOBO 7 LIGHT BLUE57 - 63 GOBO 8 UV & LIGHT BLUE64 - 71 OPEN SHAKE72 - 78 GOBO 1 YELLOW SHAKE79 - 85 GOBO 2 RED SHAKE86 - 92 GOBO 3 GREEN SHAKE93 - 99 GOBO 4 BLUE SHAKE100 - 106 GOBO 5 RGB SHAKE107 - 113 GOBO 6 UV SHAKE114 - 120 GOBO 7 LIGHT BLUE SHAKE121 - 127 GOBO 8 UV & LIGHT BLUE SHAKEMaster-Slave Configuration This function will allow you to link upto 16 units together and operate without a controller. The units will besound activated. In a Master-Slave set up, one unit will act as the con-trolling unit and the others will react to the controlling units programs.Any unit can act as a Master or as a Slave.1. Using approved DMX data cables, daisy chain your units togeth-er via the XLR connector on the rear of the units. Remember theMale XLR connector is the input and the Female XLR connectoris the output. The first unit in the chain (master) will use the femaleXLR connector only - The last unit in the chain will use the maleXLR connector only. For longer cable runs we suggest a termina-tor at the last fixture.2. Set the Master unit to your desired operating mode.3. On the slave units tap the MENU button until “SLND” is dis-played, and Press ENTER. Choose either “SL 1” or “SL 2” andpress ENTER. See page 9 for more info.4. The slave units will now follow the Master unit.Inno Pocket Roll Master-Slave Set UpWith this feature you can connect the fixtures to one anotherusing the IEC input and output sockets. The quantity that can beconnected is 19 fixtures maximum for 120V and 35 fixtures maxi-mum for 240V. After the maximum fixtures has been reached youwill need to use a new power outlet. They must be the same fix-tures. DO NOT mix fixtures.Inno Pocket Roll Power Cord Daisy Chain