© 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.{"Sid": "IoTWirelessGatewayCertManager","Effect": "Allow","Action": ["iot:CreateKeysAndCertificate","iot:DescribeCertificate","iot:ListCertificates","iot:RegisterCertificate"],"Resource": "*"}]}c. After updating the policy, select Review Policy to open the Review Policy page and make thefollowing changes:• In the Name field, enter AWSIoTWirelessGatewayCertManager.NOTE: You MUST enter the policy name as AWSIoTWirelessGatewayCertManager andcannot use a different name. This is for consistency with future releases.• In the Description field, enter a description of your choice.d. After reviewing the policy and specifying the name and description, select Create Policy to createthe policy. A confirmation message indicating that the policy has been created is displayed.5. Once the correct policy is specified, select Next: Tags and then Next: Review to review and create theIAM role.6. In the role review page, enter IoTWirelessGatewayCertManagerRole in the Role Name field and selectCreate Role to the create the IAM role.NOTE: You MUST enter the role name as IoTWirelessGatewayCertManagerRole and cannot use adifferent name. This is for consistency with future releases.7. Once the role is created, you will need to specify the trust relationships and policies for the role. In theconfirmation message indicating that the role has been created, selectIoTWirelessGatewayCertManagerRole to edit the newly created role.8. In the resulting role Summary page, select the Trust Relationships tab and then select Edit TrustRelationship.9. Navigate to the Policy Document for the role’s trust relationship and change the Principal property torepresent the IoT wireless service. The Principal value should look like the following:"Principal": {"Service": "iotwireless.amazonaws.com"}10. After changing the Principal property, the complete policy document should look like the following:{"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [{"Effect": "Allow","Principal": {"Service": "iotwireless.amazonaws.com"},"Action": "sts:AssumeRole","Condition": {}}]}11. If the policy is specified correctly, select Update Trust Policy to save your changes and exit the roleconfiguration.Once these steps are completed, you have successfully configured the IAM CUPS role(IoTWirelessGatewayCertManagerRole) and can proceed to configuring the AWS IoT Core destination role.