61204025L1-1B © 2004 ADTRAN, Inc 29Chapter 2 InstallationUNPACK AND INSPECTCarefully inspect the T1 ESF CSU ACE for any shipping damages. If damage is suspected, file a claimimmediately with the carrier and then contact ADTRAN Technical Support. If possible, keep the originalshipping container to ship the T1 ESF CSU ACE back for repair or to verify damage during shipment.Shipped by ADTRANThe following items are included in the ADTRAN shipment:• The T1 ESF CSU ACE• Line interface cable: an 8-position/modular to 8-position/modular• 12 VDC power supply• TSU Single Port Family System Manual CDProvided by CustomerThe following items must be supplied by the customer:• DTE cable(s)• Cable for the EIA-232, if usedPOWER CONNECTIONThe unit may be powered by using the supplied NEC Class 2, 12 V wall mount power supply. It may alsobe locally powered by own 12 to 48 V power supply. Once power has been applied to the unit, the PWRLED illuminates.The unit can be powered by either of the following methods:Method 1• Use the included NEC Class 2, 12 V at 800 mA wall mount power supply.Note: The wall outlet shall be near the equipment and readily accessible.OR