Chapter 3. Operation T1 ESF CSU ACE User Manual46 © 2004 ADTRAN, Inc 61204025L1-1B3)TEL NUM - This is the telephone number dialed for alarm traps transmission. The string can beup to 20 characters in length and is terminated with a semicolon (;). A colon (:) is used to representa pause in the dial string.Example: Number 9:5551212; would dial 9, pause momentarily, and then send 5551212. Thispause could be effected to access an outside line from a PBX, etc.When editing a specific character, the scroll keys are used to scroll from 0 to 9, then colon(:) andsemicolon (;). The new telephone number is entered into the T1 ESF CSU ACE only upon press-ing ENTER after typing the semicolon (;).Input - 20 digits (0 through 9, : and ;)3)TERMINAL (TI), Submenu of 2)CONFIGThis menu item is used to select and configure the parameters associated with the T1 ESF CSU ACEterminal interface.1)FORMATSets the frame format for the T1. The factory default is ESF.D4ESF2)CODESets the line code for the T1. The factory default is B8ZS.AMIB8ZS3)SET LBOSets the transmit LBO for the T1. The factory default is 0 - 133 feet.0 - 133 feet133 - 266 feet266 - 399 feet399 - 533 feet533 - 655 feet-7.5 dB3)UTILUse the Utility menu to view and set system parameters. See Figure 3-17. This includes setting the timeand date and resetting all parameters to factory values or to re-initialize the unit. This menu is also used toview the unit’s software revision and ID setting.The typed digits are accepted only after pressing ENTER. The telephone numbers can becleared by entering a semicolon (;) as the first digit.