4 61291006L2-5BSection 61291006L2, Issue 2As an enhancement to automated testing capability,TRDDS eliminates false error indication wheninvoking NIE, CSU, or DSU loopbacks immediatelyfollowing release of OCU loopback.TROCU DP Bidirectional Loopback SupportThe TROCU DP will execute a bidirectional loopbackwhen performing an OCU loopback at the TROCUDP as shown in Figure 5. If the TRDDS-R detects abidirectional loopback during power-upsynchronization, the TRDDS-R allows data to pass onthe four-wire interface by entering into the pass-thrumode. This allows a standard portable DDS test set,connected to the four-wire customer interface of theTRDDS-R, to verify the integrity of the two-wire loopby transmitting a test pattern and examining thereturning data for synchronization and errors. TheTROCU DP LBK LED will illuminate solid during anOCU loopback. Refer to Figure 6 for an illustrationof the bidirectional loopback pass-thru mode.Figure 5. OCU Loopback at the TROCU DP5. REMOTE PROVISIONING ANDDIAGNOSTICSControl ProtocolRemote access to provisioning and status informationis accomplished using ADTRAN Digital System 6Message protocol, defined in Control and DiagnosticProcedures Practice, Section 6032991-6. DigitalSystem 6 is supported by the TPI 108/109 and 105portable test set and is supported by Hekimian React2001 Release 1.900 remote test system. The TRDDSnetwork elements comply with ANSI T1.107-1995,“Digital Hierarchy Format Specifications Annex G”which allows remote provisioning, querying, andperformance monitoring via inband control of networkelements.NOTEThe REACT 2001 GUI software Release 1.900supports ANSI T1.107-1995.Remote access is accomplished using a defined set ofinband DS0 byte sequences similar to the latchingloopback sequence. Commands issued through the testsystem are recognized by the individual channel unit,which responds with the appropriate byte sequences.These inband commands may be used to verifyoptions via dialogs with REACT 2001 andTPI 108/109 test sets. Unit CLEI, serial number,provisioning, and performance information can beretrieved remotely using the Digital System 6protocol.Provisioning and StatusAll configuration options can be remotely viewed orprovisioned. The front panel Remote (REM) LEDindicator will Flash during control link establishmentand remains ON after the channel unit has beenremotely provisioned.If the channel unit has been remotely provisioned, theoperator can alternate between remote configurationIf the TROCU DP bidirectional loopback is invoked afterthe TRDDS-R achieves synchronization, the TRDDS-R willnot pass or receive data from the CPE or DDS test set. Thisis consistent with current DDS testing methods and isreferred to as the TROCU DP bidirectional loopback normalmode. For testing purposes, the installer may choose toinitiate the TRDDS-R to pass-thru mode. Once thebidirectional loopback is executed in normal mode, unseatand reseat the TRDDS-R and allow the unit to train-up.Once trained, the TRDDS-R will revert to pass-thru modefor further testing. Refer to Figure 7 for TRDDS operationduring bidirectional loopback in normal mode.TROCU DPBidirectionalloopbackCustomerIntra-officeFigure 6. TROCU DP Bidirectional LoopbackPass-Thru ModeTest UnitTRDDS-RTROCU DPDataPass-ThruBidirectionalloopbackDSU/CSUTRDDS-RTROCU DPOpen LoopBidirectionalloopbackXXFigure 7. TROCU DP Bidirectional LoopbackNormal Mode