the building wiring, faultyinstallations, and improper use ofcontrols or failure to use theappliance in accordance with theoperating instructions and/or generalmisuse and/or abuse, or if not usedfor domestic purposes only, or fordamage caused by a superior force(vis maior). Any repair or tamperingby an unauthorised person orattempt to repair or tamper with theequipment, or use of parts notsupplied by authorised agents, oralterations or modification to theequipment, shall render the warrantynull and void.5. After the first 6 (six) months from thedate of purchase, this warranty doesnot apply to light bulbs, loose glass,glass oven doors and enamelledsurfaces, filters and other partssubject to wear and tear ordiscolouring, as well as damagecaused by abrasive and highlyconcentrated cleaners and/orcleaning materials or cleanersprohibited by the user manual.6. Electrolux shall not be responsible interms of this warranty for thereplacement or repair of any part ofthe equipment which may have beendamaged in transit if delivery isundertaken by any party other thanElectrolux or an authorised agent.7. All gas appliances are to be installedby a gas installer, registered withSAQCC GAS. Electrical appliancesare to be installed by a qualifiedelectrician who is an authorisedservice agent or assisted by anauthorised service agent from whoproof of installation will be required.8. Repairs carried out under warrantyhave a guarantee period of 3 (three)months on the parts and laboursupplied to repair the unit and doesnot extend the warranty nor does itstart a new warranty. Parts removedduring guarantee repairs become theproperty of Electrolux.9. After expiry of 6 (six) months from thedate of purchase the warranty shallbe available only to the original retailpurchaser of Electrolux domesticappliances from an authorisedElectrolux Dealer or Distributor andonly where the appliance has beenretained for use in the Republic ofSouth Africa.10. Failure to produce documentaryproof of the date of originalacquisition by the original purchaserto Electrolux or an authorised serviceagent, will result in normal chargesbeing levied for travel costs, the workcarried out and the parts supplied,unless a production date can beproved to be within the 6 (six)months preceding the warrantyclaim.11. After 6 (six) months from the date ofpurchase of the appliance the liabilityof Electrolux under this warranty islimited to the replacement and/orrepair of the defective parts withinthe warranty period and does notextend to the installation or removalof the appliance.CUSTOMER CARE HELPLINE0800 222 825Service and SparesIn the event of your appliance requiring a service or if you wish to purchase spare parts,contact your local Electrolux Service Centre by telephoning:0800 222 825 (Tollfree in South Africa)Help us to help you Please determine your type of enquiry before writing or telephoning.When you contact us we need to