ENGLISH 19 Attention! If the appliance isgoing to be installed free-standing(class 1) and if you use the flexiblerubber hose, it is necessary tofollow the instructions and thefigure given below:Attention! On its route, the hosemust not touch any parts wherethe over temperature is than 95°C.Attention! The hose must not besubject to any kind of torsionalstress or tractive force, there mustbe no pinched parts or reallysharp bends.Attention! It must not touchanything that can cut, that hassharp corners, etc.Attention! The whole length ofthe hose must be easy to inspectin order to keep a check on itscondition.Attention! It must be replacedwithin the date printed on it.5.3 Securing the cooker to wallNote:- The installation of the chainprovided is for safety reasons, it mustbe installed as indicated below.To prevent the cooker tipping forwardsin the event of children standing on theoven door or where users put extre-me weight on the door when in openposition, two chains MUST BE fixed tothe back of the oven which should at alltimes be secured to the threaded pins .The threaded pins should be secured tothe wall at the back of the cooker.Assembly instructions (fig.6)• Secure threaded pins into wall imme-diately behind and to the left-hand sideabout 770 mm from the floor.Finished fixing the chains must bestretchedfig.6