ISAdvice and hints for using thecooking zonesIf you use the advice belowyou will save energy andmake your cleaning taskseasier.Adjust the cooking zonescorrectly. Select the highest settingfor the cooking zones until the food isbrought to the boil. Then reduce thesetting as far as possible, without thefood going off the boil.Use level saucepans. Anuneven saucepan mayincrease the electricityconsumption by up to 50 percent. Check whether yoursaucepans have level basesby placing the item in questionupside down on a work top andpositioning a ruler on the base.A curved base, both inwards andoutwards, will prolong thecooking time and increase theenergy consumptionThe saucepan should matchthe cooking zone ā or beslightly larger. Rememberthat a large saucepan can alsohold small quantities. If thediameter of the base is too small,the energy consumption willincrease, and any food boilingover will burn onto the hotcooking zone.Saucepans with veryshiny/bright bases willprolong the cooking timeslightly compared withcooking utensils withmatt/dark bases.Use a tightly fitting lid on thesaucepan. Without a lid youuse more than three times asmuch electricity.