18 Micro-Ohmmeter Model 62507. Activate temperature compensation by pressing the button.The reference temperature will appear followed by the ambienttemperature on the top line of the display.8. Start the test by pressing the START/STOP button. The resistancereading will appear on the lower line of the display. The symbolOPER will appear on the lower left to indicate that a test is inprocess. The Stand-by symbol ST BY will appear when the test iscompleted. Resistive element tests will stop automatically. Inductiveand AUTO testing will stop when the operator pushes the START/STOP button a second time.9. Store the test result in memory by pressing the MEM button at theconclusion of a test. The next available location will be presented onthe top line of the display. To use this location, press the MEM buttona second time.10. Recall readings from memory by pressing the yellow button fol-lowed by the MEM button. The last measurement stored in locationOBJ: X TEST: X will be displayed. Use the ▲, ▼ and ► buttons toselect the object and test memory location to review. All informationfrom the measurement is available for review including metal type,ambient and reference temperatures, resistance at ambient and refer-ence temperatures, test range and test current.Typical Operational DisplayTemperaturecompensation activeBuzzer activeAlarm 1 hi set point activeMeasurement rangeTest currentMetal type (Copper)Reference temperatureResistance measurementTest in processInductive test modeMeasurement unitsFigure 4-1www. .com information@itm.com1.800.561.8187