LifeSource Health Line (toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-8WHAT IS AN IRREgulAR HEARTBEATABOuT cuff INflATION METERThe UA-631V monitor provides a blood pressure and pulse ratemeasurement even when an irregular heartbeat occurs. The irregularheartbeat symbol will appear in the display window in the eventan irregular heartbeat has occurred during measurement. An irregularheartbeat is defined as a heartbeat that varies by 25% from theaverage of all heartbeat intervals during the blood pressuremeasurement. It is important that you relax, remain still and refrainfrom talking during measurements.notE: We recommend contacting your physician if you see thissymbol frequently.The Cuff Inflation Meter is located on the left side of the displayscreen to tell you when the blood pressure monitor is inflating anddeflating the cuff. The Cuff Inflation Meter moves up during inflationand moves down during deflation.inflation in progress inflation Complete Deflation/measurement inprogressUA-631V Manual_English.indd 8 8/5/09 8:08:40 PM