LifeSource Health Line (toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-10This monitor automatically stores up to sixty (60) blood pressure andpulse measurements in memory. Measurements stored in memory areassigned an index number in the order of the newest to the oldest.The oldest reading displays as “n01”. The M symbol in the upper leftcorner of the display screen indicates that you are viewing a previousmeasurement stored in memory.To retrieve readings, follow these simple steps:1 When the display screen is blank, press and quicklyrelease the Memory button. You will see the indexnumber of the most recent blood pressure that wastaken followed by the measurement.2 If you want to retrieve other measurements inmemory, press and release the Memory buttonrepeatedly until the desired index number isreached (e.g. n04). The measurement will then bedisplayed.3 The display will shut off automatically a fewseconds after the readings are displayed.If there are no measurements stored in memory, youwill see two 0s displayed vertically followed by ablinking “A00”.To clear the measurement history from memory, press and hold theMemory button for at least five seconds while the display screenis showing blank. Release the Memory button when you see the Msymbol in upper left hand corner of the display flash and disappears.This indicates that the memory has been cleared.notE: Stored measurements, will be lost if batteries become low or are removed.ABOuT MEMORyUA-631V Manual_English.indd 10 8/5/09 8:08:41 PM