Chapter 3: Troubleshooting5812 When the printing of the label image isfinished, the drive tray opens and theLabelFlash Wizard window displays themessage “Burning completed.”13 Click Close.Telephone supportBefore calling Customer CareIf you have a technical problem with yourcomputer, follow these recommendationsbefore contacting Customer Care:• Make sure that your computer isconnected correctly to a groundedAC power outlet that is supplying power.If you use a surge protector, make surethat it is turned on.• If a peripheral device, such as a keyboardor mouse, does not appear to work, makesure that all cables are plugged insecurely.• If you have recently installed hardware orsoftware, make sure that you haveinstalled it according to the instructionsprovided with it. If you did not purchasethe hardware or software fromeMachines, see the manufacturer’sdocumentation and technical supportresources.