14display information such as the time and weather, or provide additional controls anddirect access to applications and other frequently used features of your smartphone.At the bottom of the screen is the application dock which displays defaultapplications. Tap an icon to open the application. Tap the Application icon in themiddle of the application dock to view your applications. To change applications, see"Changing application dock icons" on page 16.SearchTo search for applications, files or for information on the Internet, tap theGoogle icon in the top-left corner.Simply enter the text you want to find and tap or tap one of the suggestions,applications or files shown in the list.Voice searchIf voice search is available, tap the microphone and speak your searchrequest. See "Voice search" on page 31.NavigationTo navigate through menus and options, three (ormore) icons are shown in the bottom-left corner.BackTap this icon to go to the previous page, or to go up one level in a menu.This icon may be replaced with the hide icon in certain cases (such as ifthe keyboard or list of recent applications is shown).HomeTap this icon to go directly to the Home screen.RecentTap this icon to see recently opened applications. Tap an application to open it, ortap anywhere on the screen to return to the Home screen. See "Multitasking" onpage 20.SearchTime and StatusNavigationApplication menuBack Home RecentHide