PCM-9388 User Manual 24This item allows the video BIOS to be cached to allow faster execution and bet-ter performance. Memory Hole At 15 M-16 M[Disabled]This item reserves 15 MB-16 MB memory address space to ISA expansioncards that specifically require the setting. Memory from 15 MB-16 MB will beunavailable to the system because the expansion cards can only access mem-ory at this area. DRAM Data Integrity Mode[Non-ECC]This item enables users to set the DRAM Type of Error data correction, systemdefault setting is “Non-ECC”. Delayed Transaction [Enabled]This items enables users to activate the PCI delayed Transaction feature; it canimprove PCI performance and meet PCI 2.1 specifications. Delay Period to Thermal [16 Min]This items enables users to select the time period the system uses to detectCPU Thermal condition; system default setting is “16 Min”. AGP Aperture Size (MB) [64]This item enables users to select size of system memory to support AGPgraphic usage, system default setting is “64 MB”. On-Chip VGA SettingThis platform supports On-Chip VGA function and will continue to support VGArelated settings. On-Chip VGA [Enabled]This item enables users to Enable or Disable On-Chip VGA devices, systemdefault setting is “Enabled”. On-Chip Frame Buffer Size [32MB]This Item enables users to set Video Memory size, system default setting is“32MB”. Boot Display [VBIOS Default]This Item enables users to set Initial display device of system boot up, systemdefault setting is “VBIOS Default”. Panel Number [640X480]This item enables users to set the Resolution of Panel Type, system default set-ting ia “640X480”.