40AXIS 206 - TroubleshootingEmergency Recovery ProcedureIf power to the AXIS 206 is lost during the upgrade, the process will fail and the unit willbecome unresponsive. A flashing red Status LED indicates a failed upgrade. To recover theAXIS 206 or the AXIS 206M, follow the steps below.If the upgrade for the AXIS 206W fails, please contact Axis support at:www.axis.com/techsupRecover the AXIS 206/AXIS 206M1. Unix/Linux - From the command line, type the following:arp -s tempping -s 408 Windows - From a command/DOS prompt, type the following:arp -s ping -l 408 -t Note: The serial number is on the label on the product casing.2. If the unit does not reply within a few seconds, restart it and wait for a reply.Press CTRL+C to stop Ping.3. Open a browser and type in the AXIS 206’s IP address. In the page that appears,use the Browse button to select the upgrade file to use, e.g. axis206.bin oraxis206m.bin. Then click the Load button to restart the upgrade process.4. After the upgrade has completed (1-10 minutes), the unit will automaticallyrestart and show a steady green on the Power and Status LED:s and flashinggreen or amber on the Network LED.5. Repeat the ARP and Ping commands as described above.6. Open a new browser and enter the unit's IP address.7. Reconfigure your settings.If the emergency recovery procedure does not get the AXIS 206/AXIS 206M up andrunning again, please contact Axis support at www.axis.com/techsup/