37AXIS 223M - Event ConfigurationObject size, history and sensitivity:Examples:• Avoid triggering on small objects in the video image by setting the Object Size level to high.• To reduce the number of triggers if there is a lot of movement during a short period of time, select a highHistory level.• To only detect flashing light, low Sensitivity can be selected. In other cases, a high Sensitivity level isrecommended.Port StatusUnder Event Configuration > Port Status there is a list showing the status for the camera’sinput and output. This is for the benefit of Operators, who cannot access the SystemOptions section.Example: If the Normal state for a door push button connected to an input is set to Open circuit - as long as thebutton is not pushed, the state is inactive. If the doorbell button is pushed, the state of the input changesto active.Object Size History SensitivityHigh level Only very large objectstrigger motion detectionAn object that appears in the region willtrigger the motion detection for a longperiodOrdinary colored objects on ordinary back-grounds will trigger the motion detectionLow level Even very small objectstrigger motion detectionAn object that appears in the region willtrigger motion detection for only a veryshort periodOnly very bright objects on a dark back-ground will trigger motion detectionDefaultvalueLow Medium to High Medium to High