AXIS 262+ Installation Guide Page 9ENGLISHENGLISHUnit ConnectorsRS-232 connector - For the connection of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) unit. Forapproved models, see the AXIS 262+ User’s Manual.Network connector- RJ-45 Ethernet connector. Using shielded cables is recommended.I/O terminal connector - The 9-pin I/O terminal connector provides the interface to fourdigital outputs, four digital photo-coupled inputs and Ground.Pin Event Function State Specifications NotesAlarminput1Must not beexposed to volt-ages greaterthan 5V DCConnect to GNDto activate, orleave floating(or uncon-nected) to deac-tivate.234Output5 Alarm record-ing starts/stopsIf any of thesources start orstop alarmrecording, AXIS262+ outputsthe statusHigh/LowMax load =100mAMax voltage =24V DC(to the transis-tor)Uses an open-collector NPNtransistor withthe emitter con-nected to theGND pin. If usedwith an exter-nal relay, adiode must beconnected inparallel with theload, for protec-tion againstvoltage tran-sients.6 Camera lost If any of thesources looses aconnection witha camera, AXIS262+ outputsthe statusHigh7 Hard diskerrorIf a hard diskerror occurs, itoutputs the sta-tusHigh8 Hard disk full If the hard diskis full it outputsthe statusHighGND 9 GroundPin layouts