61Radio modeIf a programme has previously beenselected that belongs to the particularstation programming chain, the laststored programme entry will beautomatically selected.Multifunction button indicatesthat, by pushing this button, otherstations can be displayed and selected.If station names are being misused tosend advertisements or messages, thisstation is indicated with L-1... L-Z (L =Local) instead of the abbreviated stationname. This prevents the lower displayline from constantly changing. When astation is selected, it is identified by astar (i.e. L*1).The first time the unit is operated, or af-ter the electrical supply has been inter-rupted, it may take the radio some timeto evaluate the station signals. The dis-play will appear incrementally as theevaluation progresses.Station search FM-DAS Turn the right-hand rotary controlto the left or right.The radio displays the receivable andidentified stations in descending/ascend-ing order.Scan search Press the right-hand rotary control .appears on the display.An automatic station search will be initi-ated. The first run is performed on an in-sensitive plane, all further runs on asensitive plane. Receivable stations willremain audible for 8 seconds. If youwish to store one, press the right-handrotary control .Programme filtering for FM-DASYou have the option of filtering variousstations from the FM-DAS station list. Request FM menu mode. Press the multifunction button. The individual programmes can be se-lected using the right-hand rotarycontrol . By pressing the right-handrotary control , you can choose be-tween Play (programme unfiltered)and Skip (programme filtered out).Press the multifunction button re-peatedly to turn the filter function on(Fil on) or off (No Fil).NoteWith Seek Quality and SeekName, Scan Search is conducted in al-phabetical order.