91ExplanationsExplanationRDS SYSTEMThis car radio is capable of receivingRDS signals (RDS = Radio Data Sys-tem) on the VHF bands. RDS is a tech-nique for the transmission of inaudibleinformation in the VHF broadcastingrange. This means that the broadcastersends information to be analysed by thecar radio.DAS Seek Qual. levelAt the level DAS Seek Qual., all re-ceivable and identifiable RDS pro-grammes are stored in a list sorted byquality. The dynamic autostore, searchand scan search functions access thislist.DAS Seek Name levelAt the level DAS Seek Name all re-ceivable and identifiable RDS pro-grammes are stored in a list sortedalphabetically by name. The dynamicautostore, search and scan search func-tions access this list.RDS Stations levelAt the level Stations RDS only iden-tified RDS stations can be stored. Theunit constantly switches to the best re-ceivable transmission frequency for thestation.During search for Stations RDS theunit will stop only at identifiable sta-tions.Stations Fix levelAt the level Stations Fix frequen-cies can be assigned to the station but-tons. RDS evaluation does not takeplace. The search for Stations Fixis equivalent to manual FM tuning(Page 63).PTY (programme type)With the PTY function, it is possible toselect specific types of programmes,such as sport, pop music, classical musicetc.The PTY is broadcast by the RDS sta-tion, provided that the broadcaster hasthis function installed. The selected sta-tion programme type can be displayed ora search for a specific PTY station canbe performed.Examples of programme types are:NEWS News servicesPOP M Pop musicAFFAIRS Politics and current affairsROCK M Rock musicINFO Specialtalk programmesSCIENCE Science