TMC-1 Reference Manual14 September 2018 CB Electronics 13 Version 6.0CCaalliibbrraattiinngg tthhee SSPPLL LLiisstteenniinngg LLeevveellThe TMC-1 has 3 level display formats, SPL, Gain and Dolby, only Gain is absolute, SPL andDolby level are relative and calibrated by the user. The object of the calibration is to adjustthe output and speaker amplifier gain so that the monitor gain at the required listeninglevel is as close to 0dB as possible.1) Decide on the listening level – for Film Dolby specify a SPL of 85dBA.2) Adv. Menu 2 - Enable Calibration mode on the TMC-1 (Unlock All)3) Adv Menu 3 – Set the SPL Level Required +/-1dB4) Menu 14 – Set the Display mode to dB5) TMC-1-Penta Only – Adv menu 22 – Set the Line level of 0dBFS6) Exit menu and enable Speaker Solo, whilst holding the speaker key depressed adjustthe trim to 0dB7) Select a Pink Noise Source to all channels and set up a SPL meter8) Adjust the amplifier gain so that when the TMC-1 the gain display is approximately0dB for the required SPL level. Switch to SPL display mode and use the TMC-1speaker trim to make fine adjustments.9) Repeat for each SpeakerWhy is there no overall output level adjustment for the speaker sets?In general amplifiers have too much gain, turning down the output on both analogueand digital monitor systems would cause a reduction in the dynamic range, as thisattenuates the signal but not the noise. The optimum solution is to turn down the signalat the input of the power amp, this will attenuate both the signal and any noise from themonitor system. Where this is not possible use input pads on the input of the power ampas detailed below.For a detailed analysis of the XMon setup as an example see this document