TMC-1 Reference Manual14 September 2018 CB Electronics 54 Version 6.0Note: On the TMC-1-Penta and TMC-1-Dmon the Digital headroom is included eg. if theDigital Headroom is 6dB and the Maximum gain is set at 0dB then the maximum gain is-6dBAdv Menu 22 – Factory ResetAdv Menu 22 – Factory Reset on Menu ExitOff Input +OutputInput +PresetT/B +L/BT/BOnlyNO T/B orL/BThe programmable User keys on the TMC-1 are very powerful, this gives you a selection ofpossible combinationsOff: No ActionInput & Output 1-8 = Input Select , Fn1-Fn3 = Speaker Set Select , User = T/B to AllInput & Preset 1-8 = Input Select, Fn1-Fn3 = Pset 1, Pset 2, Pset 3, User = T/B to AllT/B+L/B: Reset to factory and default user keys with T/B and L/B KeysT/B only: Reset to factory and default user keys with T/B Keys onlyNO T/B or L/B: Reset to factory and default user keys without T/B and L/B KeysTMC-1-Penta: This command will not reset the input and output assignmentOn all units:Input and Speaker Names reset to defaultsUser Keys Reset to defaults as selected in menuAll Gains set to 0dB-UnityCue routing as followsSLS – MainCue1 – Cue1 inputCue2 – Cue 2 inputCue3 – Cue 3 inputHead Phones – TalkbackAutomationPlay Start – Disable Talkback and Listen BackPlay Stop –Record Start – Disable Talkback, Listen Back and Studio L/S