Flash Download Screen6E122-26, 6E132-25, 6E123-26 and 6E133-25 User’s Guide 5-793. Use the LEFT-ARROW key to move back to the Advertised Abilityselection and use the SPACE bar to select the next mode to enable ordisable.4. Use the RIGHT-ARROW key to move across to theEnabled/Disabled field to the right of the selection.5. Use the SPACE bar to select Enabled or Disabled. Press ENTER.Continue this process until you have completed enabling or disablingthe advertised modes.6. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command. Press ENTER.The message “SAVED OK” displays and Local Management savesthe changes to memory.5.23 FLASH DOWNLOAD SCREENThe Flash Download screen, shown in Figure 5-29, allows the user toclear the information stored in the 6E12X-26 and 6E13X-25 FLASHmemory and download a new image file from a TFTP server.Before downloading a new image to the module, load the image onto thenetwork TFTP server.Access the Flash Download screen from the Module SpecificConfiguration screen by using the arrow keys to highlight the FLASHDOWNLOAD menu item and pressing ENTER. The Flash Downloadscreen displays.NOTEThe user may also force a download by changing the positionof Switch 6 located inside the module. Refer to Section C.2,Setting the Mode Switch, for details.NOTEFor information on how to set up a workstation as a TFTPserver, refer to the specific workstation documentation.