ATM Configuration6-4Configuring ConnectionsStatus Displays the current administrative status of theconnection: enabled or disabled. In current versions offirmware, all connections are enabled by default, andcannot be disabled.UpTime The length of time the selected connection has beenenabled.Selecting the Add button either adds a new connection or modifies an existingone, using the parameters entered in the fields below the list box. A confirmationwindow will appear for both additions and modifications.Selecting the Delete button deletes the selected connection; a confirmationwindow requires that you confirm the deletion.Selecting Refresh refreshes the connection information displayed in the window.Configuring ConnectionsAdding a New ConnectionTo configure new Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs), enter the followinginformation in the text fields which appear just below the connections list box:1. In the I/F text box, click on the down-arrow to the right of the text field, anddrag down to select the interface for which you wish to configure a connection.All available ATM interfaces will be listed in this menu; note that interfacesinstalled in a 7C0x chassis are indexed following an XXXXYY format, whereX = the slot number in which the module containing the interface is installed,times 10,000, and Y = the physical index assigned to the port interface on themodule. For example, an index of 40001 would refer to port 1 on the moduleinstalled in slot 4 of the chassis.2. In the VPI text box, enter the Virtual Path Identifier you wish to assign to thisconnection. Allowable values are 0 to 3; remember, the VPI you assign will beused to group virtual connections, allowing for channel trunking between ATMswitches.3. In the VCI text box, enter the Virtual Channel Identifier you wish to assign tothis connection. Allowable values are 0 to 1023for each VPI. For example,you could assign the same channel identifier — say, 25 — as many as fourtimes: once with a VPI of 0, once with a VPI of 1, and so on. Again, rememberthat it is the combination of VPI and VCI that will be used to direct cellsthrough the intermediate switches between the source and destination.