Performance5-11FDDI ManagementPerformanceThe Concentrator Performance window, Figure 5-5, provides graphical andnumeric performance statistics for the selected SMT entity, including:• Transmit Frames• Receive Frames• Frame Errors• Lost Frames• Ring OpsFigure 5-5. Concentrator Performance WindowStatistics are displayed in three ways:• By count (i.e., the number detected of each for the selected interval).• By rate (i.e., the number of each per second, as averaged over the selectedinterval).• Graphically, as a percentage of each with respect to total network loadprocessed by the selected 7F06-02 interface during the last interval (e.g., atransmit frames rate of 75% during a delta interval indicates that of all framesprocessed by the selected interface, 75% were transmitted by that interface).You can view the concentrator performance for three different intervals:• Absolute — Counts recorded since the SmartSwitch 7000 was last started.• Cumulative — Counts recorded since the Concentrator Performance windowwas opened.• Delta — Counts recorded during a single polling interval (refer to the User’sGuide for information on setting the polling interval).To change the interval, click to select the desired radio button in the CountDisplay panel in the top right hand corner of the window.