![Cabletron Systems MMAC-5FNB Networking Manual Manual pdf 11 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2831320/e1604828c95c1e516283009afc172c1911f.jpg)
1-1Chapter 1IntroductionUsing This GuideThe purpose of this Networking Guide is to provide the customers and strategicpartners of Cabletron Systems with information which allows them to configureand expand their own networks. As it is impossible to foresee every possiblesituation that may arise when a new network must be created or an existing oneexpanded, this guide deals with several of the most common networkingsituations.If you are unfamiliar with the basics of the Ethernet, Token Ring, and FiberDistributed Data Interface (FDDI) networking technologies, read the chapters inorder. Pay particular attention to Chapters 3 through 7. These chapters shouldprovide you with the basic information necessary to generate a relativelystraightforward network design.If you have experience with the design or operation of Cabletron networkingproducts, you may wish to refer mainly to the chapters dealing with theexpansion of existing networks, Chapters 8 through 10.Organization of DocumentIn the interests of making this document accessible to as many customers ofdiffering levels of experience as possible, this Networking Guide begins with adiscussion of the various reasons for networking and a short overview of LocalArea Networks (LANs). Following this brief overview, a series of short,introductory level training documents is provided. These documents providegeneral information on Ethernet, Token Ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interfacenetworking, including examples of needs analysis and initial network designsutilizing Cabletron equipment. A short treatment of other networkingtechnologies follows these individual subsections.