![Cabletron Systems MMAC-5FNB Networking Manual Manual pdf 90 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2831320/e1604828c95c1e516283009afc172c1990f.jpg)
Ethernet5-10Simple Ethernet ConfigurationSimple Ethernet ConfigurationThe term “simple” in this definition is used to indicate that the network isconfigured as a single repeated network and does not incorporate any bridging,routing, switching or other segmentation between stations. All of the Ethernetstations in a simple Ethernet network are treated as if they were stations locatedon one segment of coaxial cable.Design PhilosophyA simple Ethernet operates on the basic principles of IEEE 802.3 LANs: atransmission by any station on the network is received by every other station, andmay transmit at any time that the station senses that the common media (in thiscase, the modular chassis) is not being utilized.The simple Ethernet network design is a relatively inexpensive means ofnetworking a limited number of workstations that do not have particularlydemanding network availability needs. A small company or educational facilitywith anywhere from 20 to 180 workstations could utilize a simple Ethernetconfiguration such as the one described below.Design ExampleThis design provides Ethernet networking services for three departments within asmall personal accounting firm with 63 workstations. Two of these workstationsare dedicated fileservers and one provides access to a tape drive system used forbackups. The cabling used for connections from the workstations to the centralnetwork chassis is Category 5 UTP, which is terminated with standard RJ45 patchpanels and wallplates.Since the vast majority of applications and uses for the network are notparticularly time- intensive at this location, the cost savings provided by using thesimple Ethernet configuration is considered to outweigh the functionality andadditional performance that could be gained by utilizing other networktechnologies and methods. The foundation of this network is a Cabletron SystemsMMAC-M8FNB modular networking chassis, outfitted with the correct modularpower supplies (M8PSM-E). This provides the basic concentrator capability intowhich the connectivity and functionality modules are to be added.Select Chassis