Chapter 7: Local Management7-8SEHI100TX User’s Guide7.5 THE COMMUNITY NAME TABLE SCREENTo access the Community Name Table screen from the Feature Selectionscreen, use the arrow keys to highlight the Community Name Tableoption, then press ENTER or F6. The Community Name Table screenshown in Figure 7-4 appears.Figure 7-4 Community Name Table ScreenCommunity names are set through the Community Name Table option.Community names are passwords to Local Management and are agents ofsecurity control to the SEHI. SEHI access is controlled by establishing upto four different levels of security authorization: Basic-Read, Read-Only,Read-Write, and Super-User.With Super-User access, the user changes the existing passwords bychanging the community names. Only the community name assignedSuper-User access has full management privileges.The following sections explain each field on the Community Name Tablescreen and provides instructions on how to change them.COMMUNITY NAMEDisplays the user-defined name through which a user can access LocalManagement for the SEHI. Any community name assigned here acts as apassword to Local Management.Cabletron SEHI Revision X.XX.XXCOMMUNITY NAME TABLESEHI LOCAL MANAGEMENTSAVE IP TABLE TRAP TABLE SNMP TOOLS RETURNF6 F7 F8 F9COMMUNITY NAME ACCESSPUBLICPUBLICPUBLICPUBLICBASIC-READREAD-ONLYREAD-WRITESUPER-USER1490_23