Black plate (32,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/125-32 Instruments and ControlsSee Engine Oil Life System onpage 10‑8, Driver InformationCentre (DIC) on page 5‑23, EngineOil on page 10‑6 and ScheduledMaintenance on page 11‑1.ENGINE OIL HOT, IDLEENGINEThis message displays when theengine oil temperature is too hot.Stop and allow the vehicle to idleuntil it cools down.ENGINE OIL LOW - ADD OILOn some vehicles, this messagedisplays when the engine oil levelmay be too low. Check the oil levelbefore filling to the recommendedlevel. If the oil is not low and thismessage remains on, take thevehicle to your dealer for service.See Engine Oil on page 10‑6.OIL PRESSURE LOW - STOPENGINEThis message displays if low oilpressure levels occur. Stop thevehicle as soon as safely possibleand do not operate it until the causeof the low oil pressure has beencorrected. Check the oil as soon aspossible and have the vehicleserviced by your dealer.Engine Power MessagesENGINE POWER IS REDUCEDThis message displays when thevehicle's engine power is reduced.Reduced engine power can affectthe vehicle's ability to accelerate.If this message is on, but there is noreduction in performance, proceedto your destination. Theperformance may be reduced thenext time the vehicle is driven. Thevehicle may be driven at a reducedspeed while this message is on, butmaximum acceleration and speedmay be reduced. Anytime thismessage stays on, the vehicleshould be taken to your dealer forservice as soon as possible.Fuel System MessagesFUEL LEVEL LOWThis message displays when thevehicle is low on fuel. Refuel assoon as possibleTIGHTEN GAS CAPThis message displays when thefuel cap is not on tight. Tighten thefuel cap.Key and Lock MessagesNO REMOTE KEY WASDETECTED PLACE KEY INTRANSMITTER POCKET THENSTART YOUR VEHICLE SEEOWNER'S MANUAL FORDETAILSThis message displays when tryingto start the vehicle if an RKEtransmitter is not detected. Thetransmitter battery may be weak.