Black plate (17,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/12Keys, Doors, and Windows 2-17Press K on the transmitter once toopen the deadbolt and unlock thedriver door. Pressing the buttonagain within three seconds willunlock all the doors.If the vehicle does not have keylessaccess, unlocking the driver doorfrom the outside with the removablekey disengages the deadbolt for alldoors. However, only the driver doorwill be unlocked.You must unlock the passengerdoors manually or with the powerdoor locks.Immobiliser OperationThis vehicle has a passivetheft-deterrent system.The system does not have to bemanually armed or disarmed.The vehicle is automaticallyimmobilised when the vehicle isturned off.The immobilisation system isdisarmed when the pushbutton startis activated to enter the ACC/ACCESSORY mode or the ON/RUN/START mode and a validtransmitter is present in the vehicle.The security light, in the instrumentcluster, comes on if there is aproblem with arming or disarmingthe theft-deterrent system.The system has one or more RKEtransmitters matched to animmobiliser control unit in thevehicle. Only a correctly matchedRKE transmitter will start thevehicle. If the transmitter is everdamaged, you may not be able tostart your vehicle.When trying to start the vehicle, thesecurity light comes on briefly whenthe ignition is turned on.If the engine does not start and thesecurity light stays on, there is aproblem with the system. Turn theignition off and try again.If the vehicle will not change ignitionmodes (ACC/ACCESSORY, ON/RUN/START, OFF), and the RKEtransmitter appears to beundamaged, try another transmitter.Or, you may try placing thetransmitter in the transmitter pocketlocated in the centre console. See“NO REMOTE DETECTED” underKey and Lock Messages onpage 5‑32.If the ignition modes will not changewith the other transmitter, yourvehicle needs service. If the ignitiondoes change modes, the firsttransmitter may be faulty. See yourdealer who can service thetheft-deterrent system and have anew RKE transmitter programmed tothe vehicle.