Black plate (38,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/1210-38 Vehicle Carenormal driving conditions. See yourdealer for wheel or sensorreplacement.Notice: Using liquid sealants candamage the tyre valves and tyrepressure monitor sensors in therun-flat tyres. This damage is notcovered by the vehicle warranty.Do not use liquid sealants inrun-flat tyres.Summer TyresThis vehicle may come with highperformance summer tyres. Thesetyres have a special tread andcompound that are optimised formaximum dry and wet roadperformance. This special tread andcompound will decreaseperformance in cold climates, andon ice and snow. We recommendinstalling winter tyres on the vehicleif frequent driving in coldtemperatures or on snow or icecovered roads is expected. SeeWinter Tyres on page 10‑36.Tyre PressureTyres need the correct amountof air pressure to operateeffectively.Notice: Neither tyreunderinflation noroverinflation is good.Underinflated tyres, or tyresthat do not have enough air,can result in:. Tyre overloading andoverheating which couldlead to a blowout.. Premature orirregular wear.. Poor handling.. Reduced fuel economy.Overinflated tyres, or tyresthat have too much air, canresult in:. Unusual wear.. Poor handling.. Rough ride.. Needless damage fromroad hazards.The Tyre and LoadingInformation label on the vehicleindicates the original equipmenttyres and the correct cold tyreinflation pressures. Therecommended pressure is theminimum air pressure needed tosupport the vehicle's maximumload carrying capacity.For additional informationregarding how much weight thevehicle can carry, and anexample of the Tyre andLoading Information label, seeVehicle Load Limits onpage 9‑9. How the vehicle isloaded affects vehicle handlingand ride comfort. Never load thevehicle with more weight than itwas designed to carry.