Cadillac Limited Warranty and Owner Assistance Information (GMNA-Localizing-U.S-9087649) - 2016 - crc - 3/9/15Emission Control Systems Warranty 21Important: California, Connecticut,Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,New Jersey, New York, RhodeIsland, and Vermont have PZEVEmission Warranty Coverage.(Oregon has PZEV Hybrid battery10 years/150,000 milecoverage only).Your Rights and Obligations (ForVehicles Subject to CaliforniaExhaust Emission Standards)The California Air Resources Boardand General Motors are pleased toexplain the emission control systemwarranty on your vehicle. InCalifornia, new motor vehicles mustbe designed, built, and equipped tomeet the state's stringent anti-smogstandards. GM must warrant theemission control system on yourvehicle for the periods of time andmileage listed provided there hasbeen no abuse, neglect, or impropermaintenance of your vehicle. Yourvehicle's emission control systemmay include parts such as the fuelinjection system, ignition system,catalytic converter, and enginecomputer. Also included are hoses,belts, connectors, and otheremission-related assemblies.Where a warrantable conditionexists, GM will repair your vehicle atno cost to you including diagnosis,parts, and labor.California Emission Defect andEmission Performance WarrantyCoverageFor cars and trucks with light duty ormedium duty emissions:. For 3 years or 50,000 miles,whichever comes first:‐ If your vehicle fails a smogcheck inspection, GM willmake all necessary repairsand adjustments to ensurethat your vehicle passes theinspection. This is yourEmission Control SystemPerformance Warranty.‐ If any emission-related part onyour vehicle is defective, GMwill repair or replace it. This isyour Short-term EmissionControl Systems DefectsWarranty.. For 7 years or 70,000 miles,whichever comes first:‐ If an emission-related partlisted in this booklet speciallynoted with coverage for 7years or 70,000 miles isdefective, GM will repair orreplace it. This is yourLong-term Emission ControlSystem Defects Warranty.. For 8 years or 80,000 miles,whichever comes first:‐ If the catalytic converter,vehicle/powertrain controlmodule, transmission controlmodule, or other onboardemissions diagnostic device,including emissions-relatedsoftware, is found to bedefective, GM will repair orreplace it under the FederalEmission Control SystemWarranty.