Cadillac Limited Warranty and Owner Assistance Information (GMNA-Localizing-U.S-9087649) - 2016 - crc - 3/9/15Important Message to Owners... 1GM's CommitmentGM is committed to ensuringsatisfaction with your new vehicle.Your dealer also wants you to becompletely satisfied and invites youto return for all your service needs,both during and after the warrantyperiod.Owner AssistanceThe dealer is best equipped toprovide all your vehicle's serviceneeds. Should you ever encounter aproblem that is not resolved duringor after the limited warranty period,talk to a member of dealermanagement. Under certaincircumstances, GM and/or GMdealers may provide assistanceafter the limited warranty period hasexpired when the problem resultsfrom a defect in material orworkmanship. These instances willbe reviewed on a case-by-casebasis. If the issue has not beenresolved to your satisfaction, followthe Customer SatisfactionProcedure 0 29.We thank you for choosing GM.GM Participation in anAlternative Dispute ResolutionProgramSee Customer SatisfactionProcedure 0 29 for information onthe voluntary, non-bindingAlternative Dispute ResolutionProgram in which GM participates.Warranty Service– UnitedStates, Canada and MexicoThe selling dealer has invested inthe proper tools, training, and partsinventory to ensure that anynecessary warranty repairs can bemade to your GM vehicle. GMrequests that the vehicle bereturned to the selling dealer for allwarranty repairs. If a situation orevent occurs where you aresignificantly inconvenienced, anauthorized GM dealer can make thewarranty repairs. However, in theevent the dealer is not able toperform the repair due to the specialtool and training requirements,contact the Customer AssistanceOffices 0 34. If you are unable toreturn to the selling dealer, contact aGM dealer in the United States,Canada, or Mexico for warrantyservice.