Cadillac Limited Warranty and Owner Assistance Information (GMNA-Localizing-U.S-9087649) - 2016 - crc - 3/9/1532 Warranty Information for California OnlyCalifornia Civil Code Section1793.2(d) requires that, if GM or itsrepresentatives are unable to repaira new motor vehicle to conform tothe vehicle's applicable expresswarranties after a reasonablenumber of attempts, GM shall eitherreplace the new motor vehicle orreimburse the buyer the amountpaid or payable by the buyer.California Civil Code Section1793.22(b) creates a presumptionthat GM has had a reasonablenumber of attempts to conform thevehicle to its applicable expresswarranties if, within 18 months fromdelivery to the buyer or 18,000 mileson the vehicle's odometer,whichever occurs first, one or moreof the following occurs:. The same nonconformity resultsin a condition that is likely tocause death or serious bodilyinjury if the vehicle is drivenAND the nonconformity hasbeen subject to repair two ormore times by GM or its agentsAND the buyer or lessee hasdirectly notified GM of the needfor the repair of thenonconformity.. The same nonconformity hasbeen subject to repair four ormore times by GM or its agentsAND the buyer has notified GMof the need for the repair of thenonconformity.. The vehicle is out of service byreason of repair nonconformitiesby GM or its agents for acumulative total of more than30 calendar days after deliveryof the vehicle to the buyer.NOTICE TO GENERAL MOTORSAS REQUIRED ABOVE SHALL BESENT TO THE FOLLOWINGADDRESS:General Motors LLCP.O. Box 33170Detroit, MI 48232-5170When you make an inquiry, you willneed to give the year, model, andmileage of your vehicle andyour VIN.