S T SEngaging ACC with the SET ButtonThe ACC set speed is the speed youwill travel if no vehicle is detected inyour path.To set ACC:1. Ensure that the Head-Up Display(HUD) is on and properly adjusted(see Section 3 of your OwnerManual for details).2. Move the ACC switch to the onposition as described above.3. Achieve the speed you desire.4. Press and release the SET button(described above) located in thetip of the multifunction lever.5. Remove your foot from theaccelerator pedal.Selecting a Follow Distance (GAP)Use the GAP button on your steeringwheel to adjust the distance betweenyou and the vehicle ahead of you.Press the top of the button toincrease distance. Press the bottomof the button to decrease distance.A graphic on the HUD indicates yourselected distance.If driver action is required whileusing ACC, an alert symbol will flashon the HUD and a warning beep willsound. Driver action is requiredwhen: ACC cannot apply sufficientbraking because you are approachinga vehicle too rapidly; vehicle speeddrops below about 20 mph (32km/h); a temporary conditionprohibits ACC from operating; or amalfunction is detected in the ACCsystem.EXPRESS WINDOWSYour power window controls arelocated on the armrest near eachwindow. The controls include anExpress-Up and Express-Downfeature that allows you to raise orlower the windows at the touch of abutton.Caution: ACC will not apply hard brakingor bring the vehicle to a complete stop. Inaddition, ACC will not respond to stoppedvehicles, pedestrians or animals. Whenapproaching a vehicle or object, ACC maynot have time to slow your vehicle enoughto avoid a collision. Even with ACC, yourcomplete attention is always required andyou should be ready to take action andapply the brakes when necessary.SeeSections 3 and 4 of your Owner Manualfor additional information.