223TroubleshootingBefore You Call for Help Narrowing Down the ProblemIf you are experiencing difficulties, try to narrow the problem down to one of these threefactors:• Printer problemIf the printer does not operate and you cannot resolve the problem, make anote of the nature of the fault and your observations then contact the CanonCustomer Care Center.Getting Help From Canon• Hardware problem other than the printerIf the printer is operating normally and the settings in the application programare also correct, there may be a problem with a printer cable or in the computersystem (for example, memory, hard disk, interface). Contact your computermanufacturer.• Application program problemProblems that arise only when you use a particular application program areprobably caused by the application program. For details, consult your softwarecompany.The problem may also be solved by installing the latest version of the printerdriver.