4. PRINTER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM4.1 OverviewThe electrical system is handled by the control section and the power supply section.The printer control section converts the data from the computer into print signals orprinter operation signals and drives the BJ cartridge and motors while monitoring thestatus of the sensors.The power supply unit converts the AC power to DC output using the Universal adapterand converts it into drive power for the motors, IC, head etc. This drive power is alsoused in the recharging circuit to recharge the lithium ion battery.Part 4: Technical Reference BJC-504-3423.04MHzCAR-TRIDGESWRE-SUMESWPOWERSWPOWERLEDCHARGELEDErrorLEDRTCEEPROM32.768KHz24MHzIrDAModuleHostComputerHostComputerLithium Ion BatteryBatteryRechargeControllerICBeeperA S I CMPU SectionPrinter Controller SectionPaper FeedMotor DriverCRMotorPaperFeedMotorCR MotorDriverOption UnitHomePositionSensorPaperEndSensorParallelIFBJCartridgeScannerCartridgeControl BoardConnectorfor OptionDeliverySensorUniversalAdapter24V +5V+13VAD360uDC-DCDRAM4MbitDC-DCFlash ROM4MbitFont ROM8MbitCarriageFigure 4-26 Printer Block Diagram