5.6 Waste Ink Level DetectionInk ejected by the maintenance jet or collected from purging during recovery isabsorbed by the waste ink absorber. The total amount of ink consumed is calculatedby adding the number of dots ejected and the recovery counts. The EEPROM waste inkcounter is divided into the following sub-counters:Maintenance counter ng counterPurge counter (for non-volatile substance) 10 mg counterPurge counter (for volatile substance) 10 mg counterDuring the various types of maintenance operations, the dots ejected are counted andrecorded in the ng counter. When the ng counter exceeds 100,000,000 ng (100 mg), 50mg will be added to each of the non-volatile and volatile counters.During the various types of recovery, all the ink drawn from the print head is read andrecorded separately as non-volatile and volatile counters. All recordings for volatilesubstances are calculated based on the elapsed time. Amount less than 10 mg will berecorded in the ng counter.Volatile Substance = Evaporated amount × (1-25/non-volatile material)When the reading for the ng counter and 10 mg counters reach the 84000 mg limit, anWASTE INK ABSORBER error will occur, causing the printer to stop.5.7 Remaining-ink Level DetectionThis function detects the remaining ink level and notifies the user that the ink has runout. (The function is enabled or disabled by the BJ controller.)The dot counter for each color of ink in the ASIC counts the number of dots ejected.When cleaning is performed, ink is consumed by purging, and the total number of dotsand recovery counts is written into the EEPROM. When the power is turned off, paperis delivered out, or cleaning operation ends.The ASIC reads the EEPROM contents when the printer is turned on with thePOWERbutton. If the remaining ink level reaches the prescribed value, a caution will appear,notifying the user that the ink is low (the printer can operate even after a caution isdisplayed). Change the settings in the original printer driver to the replacement modebefore replacing an ink cartridge. The driver will reset the ink counter.4-45BJC-50Part 4: Technical ReferenceTABLE 4-5 DETECTION FUNCTIONDetection FunctionPaperPaper deliveryHome positionBJ cartridgeInk cartridgeRemaining inkBJ cartridgeidentificationWaste inkabsorptionLithium ion batteryDescriptionDetection with paper end sensorDetection with delivery sensorDetection with home position sensorDetection with head rank and headtemperature sensorCalculation from dot count and recoverycount (Set the function to on/off byfunction setting)Identification by head ID0 and ID1Calculation from dot count and recoverycountDetection by thermistor inside the batteryAvailabilityAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableNot availableAvailableAvailableAvailableAvailableRemarksDefault: OFF