5-4-2. Writing errorIf a writing error occurs, the following information is indicated on the printer:Error Condition Power LED Error LED BeeperData error Lights Blinks Two long beepsFlash error Blinks Reverse blink with the Power LED Two long beepsRAM error Blinks Synchronous blink with the Power LED Two long beepsIf an error occurs, implement the following countermeasure:Data error occurs:As error checking is performed with each data set, when the error is been detected, thedata has already been written. After also confirming the connection to the computer, re-enter the writing mode and transfer the correct data.Flash error occurs:As error checking is performed with each data set, when the error is been detected, thedata has already been written. Re-enter the writing mode and transfer the correct data. Ifthe same error occurs, the flash ROM may be damaged. Replace the Control Board.RAM error:Occurs when the RAM memory to be used for writing on the printer side is checked. Thewriting operation is not being performed. Replace the Control Board of the printer.5-4-3. USB port selectionEach machine with a USB I/F has a unique ID, and the USB port of the host computer(USBPRNxx) is exclusively assigned to this. If a new USB device is connected, a USBport for the device is newly assigned. The USB port for the writing mode is assigned in theROM writing mode of BJC-55/BJ M40. The ports which are enabled by the USB Loaderare from 1 to 99. Note that only the USB ports assigned for writing mode from"USBPRN01" to "USBPRN99" are correctly written to.13