d) Paper feed motor drive switching unitDepending on the carriage position, the drive switching unit switches the paper feedmotor's drive power over to drive the purge unit or the auto-sheet feeder. The slidearm that travels in sync with the carriage action controls the operation of theselector flag.When the purge unit is driven, the flag clamp on the slide arm secures the selectorflag. Turning the paper feed roller in the direction of paper feed transmits thedriving power to the purge unit's drive gear without causing the ASF drive gear toturn. When the auto-sheet feeder is driven, the paper feed unit will be turned in theopposite direction of paper feed once to allow the flag to move toward the slide armas the selector arm moves to the position where it supports the selector flag. Withthe selector flag supported, turning the paper feed unit in the direction of paper feedcauses the ASF drive gear to start turning, and with it, pick-up operationscommence. When the slide arm moves out of the position where it supports the flag,the ASF drive gear automatically stops turning when the pick-up action is complete.4-35BJC-6000Part 4: Technical ReferenceSlide ArmSelector Flag(when purge is driven)Selector Flag(when ASF is driven)Figure 4-29 Operation of the Drive Switching UnitSlide Arm Flag ClampSelector FlagDrive Input Gear Purge Drive GearASF Drive GearFigure 4-28 Drive Switching Unit