5.4 Lua primer 935.4.2 StringsStrings are enclosed in single (‘...’) or double (“...”) quotes, or in dou-bled square brackets ([[...]]). With this latter form, it is possible to definestrings that stretch across multiple lines. Strings can contain most of theescape sequences used in other programming languages such as C or Java:\f for a form feed, \n for a new line, \r for the carriage return. Strings canbe concatenated with the .. operator:"CH"..'DK'5.4.3 TablesTables are a core concept in Lua. Tables can contain an arbitrary number ofelements—numbers, strings, functions, and other tables.Table definitions are enclosed in curly brackets ({}). Anything (exceptnil) can be a table element. Table elements can be addressed through theelement index. For instance:disp_table = {'info', 'no_info','off', 'electronic_viewfinder'}print(disp_table[2])would print ‘no_info’ because indexing starts at 1. The number of table ele-ments can be obtained through the operator #:print(#disp_table)would print ‘4’.Alternatively, table elements can be associated with explicit keys, inwhich case the table works as a dictionary:reverse_disp_table = {info = 0,no_info = 1, off = 2,electronic_viewfinder = 3}In this case we could address the elements by their key:print(reverse_disp_table["info"])would print ‘0’. The following dot notation is also possible:print(reverse_disp_table.info])