70 C H A P T E R 4 Teach Your Camera New TricksDoes the CHDK support tethered shooting? Currently, no. If you arelooking for this functionality, you may want to check out the programPSRemote from Breeze systems. If your camera is on the manufacturer’s listof supported Powershot models, you will be able to control the camerafrom the PC and upload images immediately. You even get a remote liveviewfinder on the PC screen, along with some of the tricks the CHDK isfamous for, such as grids, automatic bracketing, and overlays.If you own an older Powershot model, you may want to try Canon’s ownremote control software, Remote Capture, that comes for free. Unfortu-nately, Canon has discontinued this software; the latest version is from2004.Another option is to use a wireless SD card such as the Eye-Fi card (www.eye.fi) for automatic transfer from camera to computer.Finally, with the CHDK spin-off Stereo Data Maker (SDM), you can dosemi-tethered shooting. Here, a script can alternate between shooting anduploading images to the PC-based WIA loader (section 7.6).4.10 UtilitiesApart from photographic functions, the CHDK also implements some utili-ties and fun programs such as a file browser, file reader, calendar, andgames. These programs can be accessed via ALT > MENU > MiscellaneousStuff.4.10.1 File browserThe file browser is invoked via ALT > MENU > Miscellaneous Stuff > FileBrowser. It is used to inspect the content of the memory card and to man-age the files and folders found there (Figure 4-47).Navigation in the file browser is easy. Simply use the UP and DOWNbuttons to select a folder, and press FUNC/SET to move into that folder. Thezoom rocker can be used to scroll a whole page up or down. Navigatingbackwards into a parent folder is performed by selecting the entry ../ andpressing FUNC/SET.Selected files and folders can be deleted with the DISP button. Afterpressing this button, you are asked if you want to delete the selected file.Use the LEFT button to highlight YES and press FUNC/SET to delete the file.Folders can only be deleted if they don’t contain nonempty subfolders. Ifthey do, first navigate inside the folder and delete the subfolders. Then re-turn to the parent folder to delete the folder in question.The RIGHT button can be used to mark files. Another click on the RIGHTbutton removes the mark from marked files. Marked files play a role in theFigure 4-46The Miscellaneous submenu allowsaccessing utilities and also providesvarious display options.