4.2 Customizing the user interface 19Setting > Menu RBF Font…, press FUNC/SET and select a font that suits you,or press MENU to escape.Note: Not every font supports all national characters. If the nationalcharacters of the chosen language do not appear correctly, select a differ-ent font. You may have to repeat this process a few times until you find asatisfying solution.Hint: To switch back to the default font, just select a non-font file.4.2.3 ColorsThe rest of the submenu Visual Settings is dedicated to colors. Both the textcolor and the background color can be changed for different informationitems. The default background color is a semi-transparent, neutral gray. Tochange a color, press FUNC/SET on the color entry. This brings you into thecolor chooser. Select a suitable color with the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWNbuttons. Commit the selection with FUNC/SET or cancel with MENU. Bothtransparent and opaque colors are available.4.2.4 Organizing the screenThe amount of information the CHDK is able to show on the display isamazing—almost any camera state can be displayed on the screen. There-fore, it becomes mandatory to select the information carefully and to ar-range its layout properly. Otherwise, you would be overwhelmed by aninformation overload that would be disturbing in shooting situations in-stead of being helpful. Most of these settings are found in the submenuOSD.Let’s discuss these settings one by one:f Show OSD. Here you can specify whether you want to show the CHDKOSD information at all. Note that this setting does not affect the nativeOSD information. It also does not affect the Edge Overlay, the Histo-gram, or the Zebra function. Simply press FUNC/SET to switch the CHDKOSD on or off.f The corresponding entry Hide in? specifies when to show the OSD infor-mation if it is switched on. Select Don’t if you do not want to hide theOSD at all, select In Playb if you want to hide the CHDK OSD duringplayback mode, select On Disp if you want to hide the CHDK OSD to-gether with the native OSD (which probably makes the most sense), orselect both if you want to hide it in both situations. Unfortunately, thissetting does not affect all CHDK OSD information items. The only wayFigure 4-3The CHDK file browser is used to selecta font for displaying menu items.Figure 4-4The OSD submenu. This image wascompiled from two subsequentscreenshots.