E1414. Operation in Full Mode6SHFLI\LQJ=RRP6HUYR6WRS5HVSRQVLYHQHVV6SHFLI\¿QDOUHVSRQVLYHQHVVLQ]RRPLQJ XVLQJVHHVDZVZLWFKIRUH[DPSOH DVQHHGHGImportantFirst, switch to the user for whom the settings apply.(For instructions, see “4.1.3 Switching Users” or “4.2.1 User Screen Settings: Switching Users.”)MovementZoomStop:Start:[ ]9991MovementZoomEnd:Stop:[ ]D9199MovementZoomEnd:Stop:[ ]8999Tracking: OFFMovementZoom [ ]CurveModeTracking: OFFMovementCurveModeZoom [ ][ I-Gain ][Adj][ ]MENU 1A Fr1P[ Basic ][Trk]OFF[I-Tq]HPress once and four times.The display switches to the Zoom screen.Press twice.[Movement] is underlined.Press .The display switches to the 0RYHPHQWVFUHHQ.Press .The display reverts to Screen A.Press twice.[Start] is underlined.The previous or default value is highlighted.Press or .Press left or right until you reach the desired function.Initial Top ScreenZoom ScreenScreen A0RYHPHQW6FUHHQOptions 00 to 99Description Stop gradually Stop quicklyDefault value: 91MENU × 4 Zoom [ ] × 2 × 2 or123456