E9IntroductionDEALING WITH ABNORMALITIESWarningShould any of the abnormalities described below occur, immediately dismount the lens from the camera and contactyour Canon sales representative or dealer.6PRNHIXPHVRUXQXVXDOQRLVHV(QWU\RIIRUHLJQREMHFWV VXFKDVOLTXLGRUPHWDOREMHFWV LQVLGHWKHSURGXFWMAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONWarningBe sure to disconnect the cable and remove the lens from the camera before cleaning outside of the lens. Do not useEHQ]HQHWKLQQHURURWKHUÀDPPDEOHVXEVWDQFHVWRFOHDQWKHSURGXFW2WKHUZLVHLWPD\FDXVHD¿UHRUHOHFWULFVKRFNVNote &OHDQRIIDQ\GXVWRQWKHOHQVVXUIDFHXVLQJDOHQVEORZHURUDVRIWOHQVEUXVK,QFDVHRIJHWWLQJ¿QJHUSULQWVRUVWDLQVRQWKHOHQVXVHDFOHDQFRWWRQFORWKPRLVWHQHGZLWKFRPPHUFLDOOHQVFOHDQLQJÀXLGRUXVHOHQVFOHDQLQJSDSHU*HQWO\wipe in a spiral pattern from the center of the lens. Be careful not to rub dust across the lens, which may scratch thelens surface2. Routine inspection about once a year is recommended, depending on the conditions and environment of use. Requestoverhaul, if needed.STORAGECautionAlways attach the lens cap, hood cap, dust cap or covers before storage. Storing the lens without the capsRUFRYHUVDWWDFKHGSRVHVDULVNRI¿UHLIWKHOHQVFRQFHQWUDWHOLJKWLQGLUHFWVXQOLJKWNoteImmediately wipe off any moisture on the lens from misty or foggy environments, using a dry cloth. Seal the lens inD SODVWLF EDJ ZLWK D GHVLFFDQW SUHIHUDEO\ QHZ WR SUHYHQW PRLVWXUH LQVLGH 2WKHUZLVH LW PD\ FDXVH WKH PROG RU WKHmalfunction of the product.