E1554. Operation in Full ModeInfoEncoder: OFFS/NINDONInfoCamSeri:I/Fprior Cable/ iINDONInfoCamSeri:Mount/ iI/FpriorOFF3D[ I-Gain ][Adj][ ]MENU 1A Fr1P[ Basic ][Trk]OFF[I-Tq]H6SHFLI\LQJWKH,QSXW5RXWHIRU&RPPDQG6LJQDOVIURPWKH&DPHUDThere are two input routes for command signals from the camera: via the mount and via the 12-pin cable. This settingVSHFL¿HVWKHLQSXWURXWHIRUFRPPDQGVLJQDOVIURPWKHFDPHUD7KHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJLV³0RXQW´DQGLQWKLVFDVHFRPPDQGsignals received via the mount are given priority.However, the command signals via the 12-pin cable are received automatically if no command signals are input via themount. When the “Cable” setting is selected, only command signals received via the 12-pin cable are used.Press once and twice.The display switches to the Info screen.Press ¿YHWLPHV[I/Fprior] is underlined.Press or .Press left or right to switch the function {Cable} or {Mount}.Initial Top ScreenInfo ScreenOptions (D) Mount CableDescription Via mount Via 12-pin cable(D): Default valueMENU × 2 Info × 5 or123Note: Set {Mount} when using theauto focus function of thecamera (For the camera modelsthat support the auto focusfunction, contact your Canondealer.)