ooooOtherFunctionsRecordsimagesinblackandwhite.Recordsimagesinsepiatonesforan"old"look.Selectoneoftheotherdigitaleffectstoaddflavortoyourrecordings.• When you apply a fader, not only the picturebut also the sound will fade in or out. When youapply an effect, the sound will be recordednormally.• The camcorder retains the setting last usedeven if you turn off the digital effects or changethe recording program.SettingFUNC, _u.c._ _, _ ÷/"_÷( [_ 25) \_Icon of the currently selected I_ Digital Effect(;_** ¢_ I Desired fader/effect* I* You can preview the effect on the screen.** The icon of the selected effect appears.Applying12If the joystick guide does not appearon screen, press (_)) to display it.Push the joystick (A) toward _.• tf _r_ does not appear on the joystickguide, repeatedly push the joystick(V) toward [NEXT] to display thejoystick guide in the illustration above.• The icon of the selected effect turnsgreen.• Push the joystick (A) towardagain to deactivate the fader/effect.TOFADEINPush the joystick (A) toward [_ in recordpause mode (®||), then pressto start recording with a fade in.TOFADE OUTPush the joystick (A) toward _ whilerecording (®), then press _ tofade out and pause the recording.TOACTIVATEANEFFECT: Push the joystick (A)toward _ while recording or in recordpause mode.: Push the ioystick (A) towardand then press _ to record thestill image.II