108 Appendices2. Removing and Attaching the RollersFollow the relevant procedure to remove and attach the pickup roller, feedrollers and retard roller when you clean or replace them.IMPORTANTFeed rollers are consumable parts. When the rollers start to wear out, paperjams and misfeeds may occur more often. When this happens, buy a exchangeroller kit, and replace the pickup roller, feed rollers and the retard roller.CAUTION• Turn ON the power to the scanner to remove or attach the pickuproller. Be careful when working on the scanner when the poweris ON.• Do not use excessive force when removing or attaching therollers. Doing so may damage them.Roller Replacement CycleWhen the rollers being used have fed more than 250,000 pages, a rollerreplacement message is displayed on the computer. Buy a roller replacementkit and change the pickup roller, feed rollers and the retard roller.IMPORTANT• If misfeeds happen often, check the rollers for wear, and replace them ifnecessary before the message is displayed.• Be sure to reset the counter after replacing the rollers. (See “Resetting theCounter,” on p. 109.)• Contact your local authrized Canon dealer or service representative forinformation about the exchange roller kit (pickup roller, feed rollers andretard roller).