Printing/Scanning from Smartphone/TabletConnecting Printer and Wireless Router Using Easy wireless connectCannot Connect Smartphone/Tablet to Wireless RouterChecking Wireless Router Network Name (SSID) for Smartphone/TabletSetting Up Using Smartphone/TabletCannot Print/Scan from Smartphone/TabletDownloading Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHYProblems while Using PrinterMessage Appears on Computer During SetupPrinter Prints SlowlyNo Ink Level Appears in Printer Status Monitor (Windows)Packets Are Sent Constantly (Windows)Wireless DirectCannot Print or ConnectPrinter Suddenly Stopped Working for Some ReasonCannot Access to Internet on Wi-Fi from Communication DeviceCannot Print or ConnectLAN Setting Tips/Changing LAN SettingsNetwork Key (Password) UnknownForgot Administrator Password of PrinterChecking Network InformationRestoring to Factory DefaultsDefault Network SettingsPrinting Network SettingsReconfiguration Method of Wi-Fi ConnectionChecking Status CodePrinting from Smartphone/TabletCannot Print/Scan from Smartphone/TabletDownloading Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHYProblems while Using PrinterMessage Appears on Computer During SetupPrinter Prints SlowlyNo Ink Level Appears in Printer Status Monitor (Windows)195