3CANON, CANON’S AFFILIATE, THEIR DISTRIBUTOR OR DEALERSHALL HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY YOU AGAINSTANY CLAIM OR SUIT BROUGHT BY A THIRD PARTY ALLEGINGTHAT THE SOFTWARE, ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ORTHE USE THEREOF INFRINGES ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYOF SUCH THIRD PARTY.THE ABOVE IS CANON’S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUREXCLUSIVE REMEDY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWAREAND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION.5. TERM: This Agreement is effective upon opening the sealed diskpackage and remains in effect until terminated. You may terminatethis Agreement by destroying the SOFTWARE and any copy thereof.This Agreement will also terminate if you fail to comply with any of theterms of this Agreement. In addition to Canon enforcing its respectivelegal rights, you must then promptly destroy the SOFTWARE and anycopy thereof.6. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: TheSOFTWARE is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in eithersubparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and ComputerSoftware clause at DFARs 252.227-7013 or subparagraph (c) (1) and(2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights Clause atFAR 52.227-19, as applicable.7. SEVERABILITY: In the event that provision of this Agreement isdeclared or found to be illegal by any court or tribunal of competentjurisdiction, such provision shall be null and void with respect to thejurisdiction of that court or tribunal and all the remaining provisions ofthis Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: BY OPENING THE SEALED DISKPACKAGE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THISAGREEMENT, UNDERSTOOD IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BYITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THISAGREEMENT IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENTOF AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND CANON CONCERNINGTHE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF AND SUPERSEDES ALLPROPOSALS OR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, VERBAL OR WRITTEN,AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN YOU ANDCANON RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. NOAMENDMENT TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVEUNLESS SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEOF CANON.Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if youdesire to contact Canon for any reason, please write to Canon’s localaffiliate.